10+ Montessori-Inspired Food Prep Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers

Food Prep is one of the most-loved sections of the Montessori classroom.  It’s technically filed under Practical Life, but I decided to give it its own round-up so you can find all of our food preparation activities in one place.  Food Prep is also one of the things that distinguishes Montessori classrooms and parents from traditional preschools and families — we encourage our little ones to join us in the kitchen.  Why?  There are so many benefits!  You can check out the benefits to preparing food with toddlers in that first post, then click on the other photos for formal food prep trays followed by how to incorporate this into your daily living.  These activities are great for toddlers as young as 15 months — but you can involve your children in the kitchen when they are even younger than that.  Even infants can sit by you as you prepare meals and watch.

Why do Food Prep with young children?


Montessori Food Prep Trays


Food Prep in Daily Life

Toddler Getting Breakfast Video