Montessori-Inspired Practical Life Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers — Dry Pouring with Funnel

L has not really been interested in many of the transfer works on our Practical Life shelf lately (I think because many of them were geared more for N’s age and ability-level), so I knew it was time to mix it up.  She has always loved pouring activities like Dry Pouring and Water Pouring, so I revamped a dry pouring tray by adding a funnel!


I put two glass mason jars in a tray and added some rice to one of them (I pre-measured the rice to make sure it would all fit in the funnel).  I put the funnel in the top of the empty jar.  When L found the work, I showed her how to slowly pour the rice into the funnel and watch it flow down into the jar.  If the rice gets stuck in the funnel, I show L how to gently wiggle the funnel until it becomes loose and starts flowing again.  It’s pretty therapeutic to watch this work in action — N loves to just stare in awe whenever L chooses this work.

So easy to put together — and so engaging for little ones!

5 thoughts on “Montessori-Inspired Practical Life Activities for Toddlers and Preschoolers — Dry Pouring with Funnel

  1. Good idea that requires no purchases! Though on that note, where do you get your funnels? My daughter loves to pour and I just know my one-year-old will be ready for similar activities in no time.

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