DIY Montessori-Inspired Sensorial Activities for Infants and Toddlers — Rough and Smooth

So far on our Sensorial Shelf, we’ve explored a lot of colors, shapes, and smells.  I decided to add some textures to the mix, so we started with this Rough and Smooth Board for N.  It’s super easy to make yourself!

Just find a board of wood and sand it so it is really smooth.  Then glue a sheet of sandpaper to one side, and that’s it!


To present this work, I rub my hand on the sandpaper and say, “Rough.”


Then I rub my hand on the plain wood side and say, “Smooth.”  N can’t say those words yet, but she understands enough to do the first two periods of a Three Period Lesson.  The first period is when I simply name “rough” and “smooth” when she feels both textures.  For the second period, I say, “Show me rough,” and N puts her hand on the sandpaper.  When I say, “Show me smooth,” she puts her hand on the wood.

As an extension for older children, you could then find different objects that are rough and smooth and place them on the correct side of the board.

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