Montessori Pink Tower Extensions

L has mastered the Pink Tower, and she’s clearly ready for something more advanced.  I found some awesome free printable Pink Tower Extension cards from Montessori En Casa [scroll down for English] — I printed them, laminated them, and made a small book for L to refer to when she gets out the Pink Tower.


Of course when it was time to take pictures for this blog post, L was in a cast so she couldn’t really carry or move the larger cubes, so this photo is mainly staged just to show you how we do it.

We first build the Pink Tower [as described here], then take all the cubes down and place them on the work rug at random.  I let L choose a page from the extension book, and we recreate the design using our cubes, always beginning with the biggest one.  It is quite difficult for L to do by herself, so I am still assisting at this point.

I wish I had more pictures for you of some of the other extensions, but L’s broken wrist made that pretty difficult!

5 thoughts on “Montessori Pink Tower Extensions

    1. My husband made it! You can search “Pink Tower” on Amazon if you want the traditional pink one. My husband will be selling some natural ones in our Etsy shop in the next month or two —

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