My Daughter, the Future President of America — an Interview

I don’t know about you, but we were shocked when Hillary Clinton did not win the presidential election this week.  I am unashamedly a Hillary supporter, and as the mother of two girls, I was pretty excited about the message having a female president could send to my daughters.  Right before the election, I told L (age 2.5), “We might have our first girl president!” she responded with, “Can I be president with her, Mommy?”  What follows is an informal interview I did with her on her own campaign platform — the future of America?

Me:  What would you do if you were President?

L:  I would do some work like Hillary.  I going to TALK!  I would sing on the microwave phone.  I would do some pink work.  And some more pink work.

Me:  When you’re President, you get to help make some new rules.  What rules would you make?

L:  Everyone has to vote.  All the kids have to play!  And the grown-ups have to play and go to church.

Me:  What else?

L:  Nothing!  That’s enough!

Me:  What would you eat for dinner if you were President?

L:  Rice, and broccoli, and chicken!


L: [whispering]  I want to be the donut President.  Oh… my goodness!


I’d say that’s a pretty solid platform.  I don’t know about you, but I’m with her!



Are you just as shocked/scared/confused/worried as I am?  Check out my post on how to teach diversity and love for all fellow humans to our impressionable young children: What’s On Our Most Important Shelf — World Peace Shelf.

6 thoughts on “My Daughter, the Future President of America — an Interview

  1. I want her to be the donut president too.

    I’m so disappointed in the result, and I’m a Republican. Long term, I think this will destroy the Republican party.

  2. From a fellow “unashamed” Hillary supporter and Montessori-sh teacher – this was a real treat to read. Our kids are smarter than we are in many ways. Let’s stop uneducating them.

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